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Happy Birthday To Larry Flynt

Swinger News - Happy Birthday To Larry Flynt

Swinger News - Happy Birthday To Larry FlyntToday, November 1, 2012 marks Larry Flynt’s 70th birthday and I wish him the best. As some of my loyal readers may already know, Larry Flynt is one of Mike Hatchers personal heroes.  Larry is one of the world’s most popular publishers of adult magazines and known to be an advocate of civil liberties. He gained his popularity when he had his first published controversial flagship magazine, the Hustler.

Since the release of Hustler, a lot of controversies have been associated to him, but apparently he was able to overcome all those challenges and continued to fight for what he believes in. Just imagine what would have happened if Larry had thrown in the towel years ago, can you?

The United States would more than likely be censoring videos, and even music. Without Larry and his quest to uphold the constitution and fight for the rights of American’s, we would be living in a totally different version of the United States.

I don’t know about you but I am glad Larry fought so hard, and I personally enjoy reading about Larry in the media offering rewards on politicians and offering some jobs.

I am happy to announce that I will get to see Larry Flynt be a keynote speaker for the Swingers Convention called Vegas Exchange in August 2013. Larry Flynt, being an experienced publisher and activist can surely bring a lot of life and excitement to this Vegas lifestyle convention.

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