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St. Andrews Cross


BDSM and the St. Andrew’s Cross

BDSM and the St. Andrew's Cross

If you have kept up with my blogs, you will know that I, Mike Hatcher is a very romantic and religious guy. Which brings me to this exciting blog on bondage. Bondage (BDSM) is a sexual activity in which one party is voluntarily tied down so all parties may gain pleasure from the act. One of the most popular furniture of the BDSM lifestyle is the St. Andrew’s Cross. No, it is not a cross you wear around your neck. It is a piece of furniture that provides a safeRead More

About Florida Swingers

Florida swingers

Did you know that there are so many Florida Swingers that maybe 50-60% of the state could be swingers? OK maybe not that many but Florida is host to the most swinger parties, and clubs around. Maybe it is because the weather is nice year round or maybe it’s because Mike Hatcher throws some pretty naughty parties, and samples the goods. Swingers In Florida have been going strong for many years, and several snow birds use it as an excuse to their family as a vacation. Some say “well weRead More