open marriage
Open Marriage: Is it Infidelity?
Open marriage is a phrase whose roots rest somewhat complicated.It was first used as early as the 1960s. However, it is mostly accepted that it had come into effect in 1972., when Nena O’Neill and George O’Neill first wrote their book “Open Marriage.” Overall the book advocated a liberalization of marriage, using getting the spouses in marriage more room for individual growth. The book initially wasn’t conceived with the idea of upholding infidelity, though in one of its chapters it dealt with the concept that an open marriage could includeRead More
How to Talk Your Partner into an Open Relationship
You are serious about your partner, but you don’t want to be with just her. Change is the spice of life and if you are one of those who simply can’t resist the temptation of finding constant changes in your love life, then an open relationship is your safest bet. What happened if you’re already in love with a girl you met a few months back, you want her, but want to see others too, well chances are you want to discuss being in an open relationship. Open relationship isRead More
The Surprising Benefits of an Open Relationship
An open relationship entails an agreement between a couple who decide it is OK for them to get involved in other emotional or physical relationships without the act being considered as unfaithfulness or infidelity. In most cases, this definition is usually tweaked to the liking of the people involved in the relationship. Therefore, it is vital to understand the whole agreement or setting in order to decide whether this type of relationship is right for you. There are several advantages of being in an open relationship and we’ll discuss someRead More
Open Marriage vs. Swinging
Several people have written in to Mike Hatcher asking what’s the difference between open marriage and swinging? Several readers thought it was the same thing and that there is no difference between the two. Just what exactly is the difference between an open marriage and swinging? At first it does appear on the surface that they are the same thing, but delve deeper into the intricacies of both options and you will soon find that there are indeed some differences especially to everyone involved. Open marriage basically involves a marriedRead More
Polyamory vs. Swinging Lifestyle
A number of people have heard about swingers and the swinging lifestyle, but fewer people are aware of polyamory and what it actually means. They are indeed two completely different lifestyles and with a better understanding you know how different it is to swinging. Here we will take a look at some of the key differences between the two lifestyle so you can make an informed decision if this is something you may be tempted to try or avoid. Swinging is much more than just recreational sex. The lifestyle isRead More
Superman Gets Wonder Woman
It seems like Hollywood is doing reboot after reboot, and makes sense that DC comics would do the same. A lot of my loyal readers are wondering what does this have to do with swinging, well I did articles on Wonder Woman in the past and how the creator was into BDSM. I also wrote a swinger take on Batman and Robin. I recently read that DC is now having Superman hook up with Wonder Woman. Now being a swinger I envision Superman with a flashback from a movie calledRead More
Swinger Statistics: Improving bond between couples
People have asked good ole Mike Hatcher, “Is swinging good for couples and their relationship?” Mike Hatcher answers “No……….its FU#KIN GREAT!” Swinging is defined as any non-monogamous sexual activity, but done as a couple. It is a lifestyle choice and is usually treated as other normal social activity. For the swinger, there is a great deal of intimacy in knowing that they can trust each other, even through sharing partners or sexual experiences outside of the boundaries of being a couple. Although swinging may utilize a non-monogamy understanding, it isRead More
Does Size Really Matter?
Some women seem to think so, while others are more concerned with a man’s method of delivery as oppose to their actual size. When a woman truly cares for a man, the actual size doesn’t really matter. Women tend to focus more on the confidence and comfort of their partner instead of worrying about their size. The average size of an erect penis is between 5.5 and 6.2 inches long and between 4.7 and 5.1 inches in girth. Keep in mind that a women’s cervix size and shape varies withRead More
The History of Swinging Part 3
First Documented Swinging Arrangement The first documented swinging arrangement was made on April 22, 1587 between John & Jane Dee and Edward & Joanna Kelley. The arrangement simply stated that conjugal relations would be shared among spouses. These couples also took part in casting spells, séances and performing rituals to honor Divinity and the creator Tetragrammaton. People did not understand such rituals and called it witchcraft. People Fear the Unknown Up until the 16th century, church and state would frown upon sex. They forbid adultery and people from having sexRead More
The History of Swinging Part 2
Sumerian Rise The Sumerian empire began from 8500 B.C. and lasted until 4500 B.C. Men and women of the Sumerian empire lived together and would visit friends to engage in mutual yet causal sex escapades. The Sumerian had sexual freedom and this is shown in Ancient Sumerians statutes. These statutes depict sexual acts that Sumerian man and women would engage in as well as orgies. Their orgies were a free for all as man and women would engage in sexual acts with people they did not know. Sumerians would takeRead More