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Does Size Really Matter?

Swinger Guide - Does Size Matter?

Some women seem to think so, while others are more concerned with a man’s method of delivery as oppose to their actual size.  When a woman truly cares for a man, the actual size doesn’t really matter.  Women tend to focus more on the confidence and comfort of their partner instead of worrying about their size. The average size of an erect penis is between 5.5 and 6.2 inches long and between 4.7 and 5.1 inches in girth.  Keep in mind that a women’s cervix size and shape varies withRead More

The History of Swinging Part 3

Swingers Guide - The History of Swinging

First Documented Swinging Arrangement The first documented swinging arrangement was made on April 22, 1587 between John & Jane Dee and Edward & Joanna Kelley.  The arrangement simply stated that conjugal relations would be shared among spouses.   These couples also took part in casting spells, séances and performing rituals to honor Divinity and the creator Tetragrammaton.  People did not understand such rituals and called it witchcraft. People Fear the Unknown Up until the 16th century, church and state would frown upon sex.  They forbid adultery and people from having sexRead More

The History of Swinging Part 2

Swingers Guide - The History of Swinging Part 2

Sumerian Rise The Sumerian empire began from 8500 B.C. and lasted until 4500 B.C.  Men and women of the Sumerian empire lived together and would visit friends to engage in mutual yet causal sex escapades.  The Sumerian had sexual freedom and this is shown in Ancient Sumerians statutes.  These statutes depict sexual acts that Sumerian man and women would engage in as well as orgies.   Their orgies were a free for all as man and women would engage in sexual acts with people they did not know.  Sumerians would takeRead More

The History Of Swinging Part 1


Several people believe that swinging is new to the last 50 years or so but as Mike Hatcher has researched, swinging has been going on millions of years. Being an astute theologist and with help from my archeologist friend I have researched swinging and sexual preferences dating back to the dawn of our planet. Although some are speculation, this article is based upon research from myth, legend and fact. So here it goes…… Every myth has some truth, so does every legend. Swinging has been going on since the dawnRead More

Swinging And Non Monogamous LifeStyles

wife watching husband

You say tomato, I say tomahto. When a person hears the word swinging, one thinks both partners are swapped either for soft swap or full swap (see swingers dictionary for soft swap and full swap) and that is the gist of the LifeStyle. Believe it or not as time progresses there are much more fetishes involved in a non monogamous relationship. For example the term cuckold has recently become popular and some couples on swinger websites are very much into and enjoy that type of lifestyle. Wife Swapping was aRead More

Newlywed Swingers Or A Swingers Wedding?

Some swingers have been in the lifestyle many years, some have only just begun to experience what the lifestyle is about. Recently I have received some emails asking me if people need to be married to be called swingers. This answer is a definite no, some people are life partners, some are boyfriend and girlfriend and some are just engaged. In the lifestyle you will come across several different types of people with several different types of relationships. Although swingers are usually thought of as swapping partners, there is soRead More